The premiere British Black female vocalist of the 1980s, Jaki Graham possesses a distinct and rich voice full of power and emotion...
Jaki's playback show singing live to tracks is 1 x 45 mins.
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Jaki Graham is one of that elite band of artistes who can truly claim a classic soul voice. Instantly recognisable, powerful and emotive, Jaki’s sound has been an inspiration to many a budding singer.
Her reputation as the UK’s most popular lady of soul has not been confined to these shores alone. It’s preceded her to the four corners of the globe. Her recent world-wide smash, “Ain’t Nobody”, not only made No.1 on the Billboard Dance Chart but also went Top 20 in America’s Black Entertainment Video Charts.
Since her first big chart hits in the eighties – “Could It Be I’m Falling In Love”, “Set Me Free”, “Round And Around”, “Breaking Away”, and “Mated” to name but a few – the Midlands based songstress has come a long way. It seems there’s no stopping her now. The world is Jaki Graham’s proverbial oyster!!!
Currently Jaki’s available on playback or totally live with the countries top classic soul band, The Soul Survivors, performing her own hits and songs taken from the great Motown songbook.
“She was lovely to speak to. Polite, unassuming and genuinely excited to perform. Performed very well.” - Adam Brown, Marketing and eCommerce Manager, Great Annual Savings
Jaki Graham is one of that elite band of artistes who can truly claim a classic soul voice. Instantly recognisable, powerful and emotive, Jaki’s sound has been an inspiration to many a budding singer.
Her reputation as the UK’s most popular lady of soul has not been confined to these shores alone. It’s preceded her to the four corners of the globe. Her recent world-wide smash, “Ain’t Nobody”, not only made No.1 on the Billboard Dance Chart but also went Top 20 in America’s Black Entertainment Video Charts.
Since her first big chart hits in the eighties – “Could It Be I’m Falling In Love”, “Set Me Free”, “Round And Around”, “Breaking Away”, and “Mated” to name but a few – the Midlands based songstress has come a long way. It seems there’s no stopping her now. The world is Jaki Graham’s proverbial oyster!!!
Currently Jaki’s available on playback or totally live with the countries top classic soul band, The Soul Survivors, performing her own hits and songs taken from the great Motown songbook.
Jaki's playback show singing live to tracks is 1 x 45 mins.
“She was lovely to speak to. Polite, unassuming and genuinely excited to perform. Performed very well.” - Adam Brown, Marketing and eCommerce Manager, Great Annual Savings
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